Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Writing motivation word

Writing motivation word

Hello, I am Lutfi Mamlukatul Amaliah. I'm student at electrical engineering, State university of malang. I like writing some motivation word from my lecturer, my friend, or motivator. This word can give me some spirit. If i get depressed, i will read it. This is some motivation word I got during a semester.

"Ketakutan harus dilawan, bukan dihindari"

"Tak selamanya kehidupan ini statis, adakalanya harus berubah namun tetap pada komitmen"

"Harus pandai membuat stategi untuk mencapai cita-cita dan impian"

"Sesuatu yang tidak tampak, ternyata menyimpan beribu makna tetap istiqomah"

"Perlu keyakinan, niat dan usaha untuk meraih impian. Jalani semuanya dengan syukur karena hidup akan terasa indah dan bermakna jika kita selalu bersyukur dalam setiap keadaan"

"Berusaha menjadi berarti bagi orang banyak"

"Semua karakter yang baik dapat terwujud dengan cara berlatih, berlatih dan terus berlatih"

"Ayo perbaiki managemen waktumu, kalahkan rasa malasmu dengan semangat yang yang selalu ada pada diri kamu"

"Harus mempunyai target dalam semua aktivitas. Jadikan kegiatanmu menjadi lebih terstruktur"

"Semua butuh proses, tak ada hasil yang baik tanpa proses yang matang"

"I need your motivation"

"Semangat untuk mendapatkan ilmu maka pahala akan mengikuti"

"Tidak perlu sempurna dan terkenal untuk menjadi bintang. namun, cukup menjadi orang yang bermanfaat untuk orang lain"
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Monday, December 15, 2014



Hello, my name is Asnah Khoiriyah. I am a student at electrical engineering, State university of Malang. Beside my activity as student, I have a hobby that I am done to spent my time or when I was bored. It is drawing. I like draw since I was in elementary school but not in consistent so my skill is much increase in years. usually i draw my own character or redraw someone art. you can look my draw in this site.


  1. White A3 Drawing Book
  2. Mechanical Pencil 2B 0.5 cm
  3. 2B pencil
  4. Eraser

  1. White A3 Drawing Book
  2. White A4 Drawing Book (right)
  3. Mechanical Pencil 2B 0.5 cm
  4. 2B pencil
  5. Eraser

  1. HVS paper
  2. Mechanical Pencil 2B 0.5 cm
  3. 2B pencil
  4. Eraser

Original Character

  1. White A3 Drawing Book (left)
  2. Note book
  3. Mechanical Pencil 2B 0.5 cm
  4. 2B pencil
  5. Pen (right)
  6. Eraser

  1. Note book
  2. Pen
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Friday, December 12, 2014

activity 10

Activity 10

After last week students have the title of research and targeted research subjects with a specific purpose, this week Mr Aji deliver questionnaires to study how to write. In making the questionnaire, not just perfunctory create and disseminate the research subjects. However, there are several steps, including:
1. Determine the purpose of research
2. Determine the target or subject of research studies (the respondent)
3. Determine the number of respondents that will be used to facilitate data processing research
4. Make a simple question asked and easy to answer
The questionnaire also contained two types of questions, ie questions open and closed questions.

In the delivery of material to write this questionnaire, Mr. Aji not submit detailed manufacturing steps. Because according to him to make the material questionnaires and other research procedures described in the Research Methodology course. Message Mr. Aji is "try to find the subject of study that is easily obtained, do not look for a research subject is too complicated because it is only a simple research".

Mr. aji have students determine the number of respondents and make the questionnaire. Asnah and Lutfi prepare questions that will be used for the interview, because they use wawacara data collection. From interviews are then processed and analyzed using SPSS software. Another student was also busy making questionnaire and determine research objectives. They are very enthusiastic and active in the discussion.
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activity 11

Activity 11

29 October 2014 English lesson theme this week is the continuing story of the interview task tourists. However, much discussed this week is about a tourist responses to the filmMalam Jum’at Kliwon” and grammar corrected by tourists.

Presentation of the movie review and correction of language structure, starting with the group consisting of girls. The first group is the group that developed Rofiatus and Afina. They tell the synopsis errors corrected by tourists, most of the fault lies in the sentence structure and verb used. The next group is the group of girls-boys, the group Ariful and Umi. Then followed by Hanny and Zaki. According to the group Hanny and Zaki errors corrected most nearly equal to that of the group Rofiatus grammar and tenses. The next group is the group Asnah and Lutfi. Unlike the previous group, the error corrected synopsis of their group lies in the word typing errors. So that tourists feel confused to correct the synopsis. For example the word "becouse" Because supposed. In addition, according to them also lies in the grammar mistakes, tenses, and using the word. They also tell tourists conclusion when reading movie reviews, according to the story or the film tourists is very creepy. After Asnah and Lutfi, the next group is the group Aan and Esty and then followed by another group.

At the end of the course Mr. Aji give appreciation to the students and provide a conclusion of some errors that occur on the composition of the student movie reviews.
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Thursday, December 11, 2014

activity 9

Activity 9
              After last week all groups had the title of the research that will be used for further research, this week is to discuss the design related observation initial step that must be done in conducting the research.
In this design observation Mr. Aji deliver important points in the preparation of simple research report, including:
1.      What is the title research?
2.      What is objective?
3.      What is method?
4.      What is respondent?
5.      What is the number of respondent?
6.      What is location?
7.      What is duration?
In this task students must make a report and ppt for presentation.
And unusually, this week Asnah Lutfi and separate sitting area. I wonder what made them sit separately, which obviously was Lutfi bit late to class while Asnah already in the classroom. Although they sat apart, and even then can not reduce their enthusiasm in participating in this lecture. Although busy with hobbies and habits of each, they look heed material submitted by Mr. Aji.
At the end of the course Mr. Aji provide conclusions and deliver the theme of the material for the next week.
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activity 8

Activity 8

Wednesday 13 October 2014 Lutfi and Asnah was given the task create a research plan about ICT. However, in the meeting, they discussed was to determine the title of research relating to  ICT. In determining the title research Mr Aji give directions to know the problems or that happened before determining the title research.
The task of this research work in groups with two children , and the results of research made a report and presentation slides . Of the results of this research will be used as the value of the middle of the semester , so expected that students in following the presentation . 

Students are very enthusiastic in the discussions, as well as with Lutfi and Asnah. They debate each other to determine who will be the issue of research. Until finally they find problems with different subjects with other students. They take on the subject of research to society around the campus. Determination of research subjects are also based on different age categories. Because of their title is A Study of People Using Knowledge on the Internet.
Another student also actively asked Mr. Aji related research titles that they will use. And with a strong background finally approved by the student's research title Mr. Aji.

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research report

A.    Research Title
A Study of People Knowledge on Using Internet
B.     Objective
The purpose of research are:
1.      To explore people knowledge on using internet
2.      To know the purpose using internet in society
C.     Method
Use quota sampling technique because sampling's members are chosen with surest number and based surest characteristics. Selection of member sampling is based of age category in society that be done with the technique of data-collection interview.
D.    Respondents
Target of research is people  who be based in age groups:
1.      1-11 years old grouped as children
2.      12-22 years old grouped as young
3.      23-54 years old grouped as adult
4.      Above 54 years old grouped as elderly
E.     The Number of Respondent
The number of respondent is 15 people for each group, so total respondent is 60 people
F.      Location
Research location is Klojen society environment, include warnet as a place to play game for children, and market as gathered place of society from all of age to sell and buy things.
G.    Duration
Research is done during 2 days to data collection
H.    Conclusion and Result
Internet or interconnection networking is all of computer network interlink each other using global transmission control protocol/internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) standart system as a packet switching communication protocol. Internet has many function, there are as communication media, information and sharing data. Many usefull thing can be found using internet, for example you can find information of education, health, business and many other. In technology era, internet is very important to fill people requirement. Unfortunately, not all of people know internet or can using it.
From research, can be known that:
1.      From children group, only few child who knows and understand internet. Most of them  use internet to playing game
2.      From young group, most of them use internet, but they don’t know what internet mean. Most of them  use internet to browsing a task, chatting, and playing game.
3.      From adult group, only few of them know and  use internet because they are too busy with their activity or job. They use internet for browsing about their job.
4.      From elderly group, most of them  don’t know internet and never use it.

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